Monday, August 29, 2011

Why won't they listen to me

Today I am just fed up.  I have no clue why my boys won't listen to me.  They test me all the time, and it is impossible to put them down for a nap anymore.  My husband has no problem with this and they go right to sleep for him.

I just spent almost 2 hours (I started VERY determined) trying to get them to nap.  FAILURE.  Right now they are chasing each other back and forth down the hall, like the whole "nap" trial never happened.  I am so freaking aggrevated its not even funny.  I mean, WHY do they listen to him and not me??!!! 

When I ask him what he thinks, he just looks at me with a sad face and says "I don't know".  But really I think he has his suspisions but won't admit them. 

I totally see what the "terrible 2s" are now and its very hard to deal with this having 2 of them.  They start "school" twice a week for 6 hours a day in a week, so I am looking very much forward to this time with them gone.  They will be learning and playing with other kids, and I will be able to clean this house, and hopefully gain some of my sanity back.  and that makes me smile!

Sorry for the short, depressing post.  It is surprisingly theraputic to write in this blog, even if no one reads it.


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