Today I am just fed up. I have no clue why my boys won't listen to me. They test me all the time, and it is impossible to put them down for a nap anymore. My husband has no problem with this and they go right to sleep for him.
I just spent almost 2 hours (I started VERY determined) trying to get them to nap. FAILURE. Right now they are chasing each other back and forth down the hall, like the whole "nap" trial never happened. I am so freaking aggrevated its not even funny. I mean, WHY do they listen to him and not me??!!!
When I ask him what he thinks, he just looks at me with a sad face and says "I don't know". But really I think he has his suspisions but won't admit them.
I totally see what the "terrible 2s" are now and its very hard to deal with this having 2 of them. They start "school" twice a week for 6 hours a day in a week, so I am looking very much forward to this time with them gone. They will be learning and playing with other kids, and I will be able to clean this house, and hopefully gain some of my sanity back. and that makes me smile!
Sorry for the short, depressing post. It is surprisingly theraputic to write in this blog, even if no one reads it.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Going Insane
Well I haven't had a chance to write in the past week and a half, I've been busy going INSANE! No not really, but definately losing my mind! There are so many things going on at my house right now. My oldest made the football team, we are trying to get our house ready to put up for sale (which is a hopeless effort because everything I do to clean, the twins UNDO + some), my husband got a second job on the weekends, which he has to drive to Houston to (2 1/2 hour drive) so needless to say he doesn't come home after work on the weekends, he's just staying with a friend over there. Did I mention my oldest is about to be 14? Definately has the mentalitly of a TEENAGER. So I have TWO - 2 year olds and a hormonal teenager at home. Lucky me right?! Well, for the record, I wouldn't change anything about my kids, but a live in nanny would be nice... :D
So today, I go into my room for 1 minute (with the door closed so the little tornados wouldn't follow me in there and destroy my room), and when I came out, they had gotten ahold of my can of PINS I use for sewing....
So when I picked up all that I could see, I got the vacuum cleaner and passed it over the carpet. While I was doing that, I noticed the noise my vacuum cleaner was making wasn't normal, but kept going anyways. When I was done and about to pull the cord up, I noticed why it sounded different. Not sure exactly when this happened, but my little devils somehow managed to take off the hose, and doesn't work right with the hose.
See? No hose + vacuum job I just did = pointless
While I was doing my pointless vacuuming, they said they needed to potty (we are potty training right now which is a whole nother headache to share another day). So I said to myself "good, they won't try to tackle the vacuum cleaner while I'm cleaning cause they'll be in the bathroom." I opened the door to the bathroom (it has a childproof handle on it) for them so they could potty.
After giving up trying to find the d$&@*#^ hose to the vacuum cleaner, which is probably gone forever now...I go into the bathroom to see if they have pottied like they claimed they needed to. This is what Gunner was doing...
If you're thinking, "Aww he pottied", no, he did not. What he did was waste half a roll of toilet paper. Does anyone know that stuff is not cheap?!
The whole time he's doing this, Fisher is standing on his toilet playing in the water in the sink. Getting water everywhere...
So I've officially HAD it by now, so I take them and make them lay down in their bed for a nap that they should've taken about an hour ago, and thinking back now, if they would've napped, none of this would've happened... So anyways, after making them lay down for the now second time, they STILL would not nap. I have zero patience left and decide to just let them stay up before I have an aneurysm from my blood pressure being so high.
Fisher decides he's going to work on the vacuum cleaner.
So today, I go into my room for 1 minute (with the door closed so the little tornados wouldn't follow me in there and destroy my room), and when I came out, they had gotten ahold of my can of PINS I use for sewing....
and POURED them out in the middle of my living room (which is carpetted thank you very much). So I spent about 30 minutes trying to find all of them, while fighting them to stay away so they didn't step on them. Lots of fun, right?So when I picked up all that I could see, I got the vacuum cleaner and passed it over the carpet. While I was doing that, I noticed the noise my vacuum cleaner was making wasn't normal, but kept going anyways. When I was done and about to pull the cord up, I noticed why it sounded different. Not sure exactly when this happened, but my little devils somehow managed to take off the hose, and doesn't work right with the hose.
See? No hose + vacuum job I just did = pointless
While I was doing my pointless vacuuming, they said they needed to potty (we are potty training right now which is a whole nother headache to share another day). So I said to myself "good, they won't try to tackle the vacuum cleaner while I'm cleaning cause they'll be in the bathroom." I opened the door to the bathroom (it has a childproof handle on it) for them so they could potty.
After giving up trying to find the d$&@*#^ hose to the vacuum cleaner, which is probably gone forever now...I go into the bathroom to see if they have pottied like they claimed they needed to. This is what Gunner was doing...
The whole time he's doing this, Fisher is standing on his toilet playing in the water in the sink. Getting water everywhere...
So I've officially HAD it by now, so I take them and make them lay down in their bed for a nap that they should've taken about an hour ago, and thinking back now, if they would've napped, none of this would've happened... So anyways, after making them lay down for the now second time, they STILL would not nap. I have zero patience left and decide to just let them stay up before I have an aneurysm from my blood pressure being so high.
Fisher decides he's going to work on the vacuum cleaner.
Which of course does not work because he can't find the hose they lost.
In your opinion, do you think I have any reason to be pulling out my hair?!!
If you say no, then BITE ME!
If you say yes, then thanks for your sympothy and letting me vent for a little while! Husband will be home from his regular job in 18.5 minutes! Yes I count down to the minute.
So until then, I'll just Fake it with a Smile.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Crazy days
Let me start out by saying my life has been insane the past week!!! We certainly have a lot going on, trying to get our house ready to be put up for sale, one of the twins has to get tubes for the 2nd time Friday so we've been doing dr visits, potty training, I cooked once or twice... Can you tell I'm whining a little bit? No? Ok then how's this..waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;)
So, Fisher has found the mole on my face. I will stop you there and let you know that is not one of those big ugly moles with hairs on it that the wicked witch of the west has on her face! It is more like a beauty mark, here I'll show you.
Its super cute, and when I'm not in my nightgown and have a little make up on, it is even better. So anyways, now that we've established the fact its not a hideous mole, I'll tell you more about Fisher. The little turd found it and thinks its hilarious to PICK at it! Yes, he's trying to get it off my face, and that crap hurts! And he is very persistant and sneaky. Although I can tell when he's thinking about doing it because he gets this little look in his eyes and tries his best to hold back that wicked little smile.
So we've been doing super potty training around here. Fisher pee pee'd in the potty 5 times yesterday!!! I'm really hoping this is it! Gunner did once, but we're still working on both of them! You know I love the potty shots, well this next one is pretty awesome and honestly makes me a little jealious.
Why can't WE have potties in the living room and watch Mickey Mouse at the same time?! ;) They sure think they are the "stuff" sitting on their big boy potties while watching tv lol But this is where most of the magic happened yesterday and hopefully will continue on through the rest of their lives, well not peeing in the living room, but you know what I mean.
Have you ever taken a shower and washed your hair with your shampoo and conditioner, then forgot whether or not you've already washed your hair? Then have to do it again just incase? Or am I the only one? Just wondering because it happens quite often... Maybe I need help? :)
I've also been helping trying to raise money for the Suarez family. Super nice people, and the father has cancer. Really sad actually, but they stay really positive about the whole thing. They are having a benefit August 27, and if you live here locally, or up for a road trip, you should totally go! There are gonna be some really cool things to buy there, and 100% of the profits will go to help them with the tremendious amounts of medical bills and everything else that comes along with this nasty disease...
If you can't read it msg me for more details and you can also visit the facebook page here if you're interested. There will be a garage sale this weekend on Cypress St in Sulphur, aug.13 th at 1313 cypress st sulphur. This garage sale is going to be ridiculious! Anyways, its always nice to get involved, so if you can help in anyway, it is welcomed!
Ok I'm about to go put my big boys on the potty again. Hopefully we'll be dancing and giving out prizes for them! :D
And remember, do it all with a SMILE or its not worth it!
So, Fisher has found the mole on my face. I will stop you there and let you know that is not one of those big ugly moles with hairs on it that the wicked witch of the west has on her face! It is more like a beauty mark, here I'll show you.
Its super cute, and when I'm not in my nightgown and have a little make up on, it is even better. So anyways, now that we've established the fact its not a hideous mole, I'll tell you more about Fisher. The little turd found it and thinks its hilarious to PICK at it! Yes, he's trying to get it off my face, and that crap hurts! And he is very persistant and sneaky. Although I can tell when he's thinking about doing it because he gets this little look in his eyes and tries his best to hold back that wicked little smile.
So we've been doing super potty training around here. Fisher pee pee'd in the potty 5 times yesterday!!! I'm really hoping this is it! Gunner did once, but we're still working on both of them! You know I love the potty shots, well this next one is pretty awesome and honestly makes me a little jealious.
Why can't WE have potties in the living room and watch Mickey Mouse at the same time?! ;) They sure think they are the "stuff" sitting on their big boy potties while watching tv lol But this is where most of the magic happened yesterday and hopefully will continue on through the rest of their lives, well not peeing in the living room, but you know what I mean.
Have you ever taken a shower and washed your hair with your shampoo and conditioner, then forgot whether or not you've already washed your hair? Then have to do it again just incase? Or am I the only one? Just wondering because it happens quite often... Maybe I need help? :)
I've also been helping trying to raise money for the Suarez family. Super nice people, and the father has cancer. Really sad actually, but they stay really positive about the whole thing. They are having a benefit August 27, and if you live here locally, or up for a road trip, you should totally go! There are gonna be some really cool things to buy there, and 100% of the profits will go to help them with the tremendious amounts of medical bills and everything else that comes along with this nasty disease...
If you can't read it msg me for more details and you can also visit the facebook page here if you're interested. There will be a garage sale this weekend on Cypress St in Sulphur, aug.13 th at 1313 cypress st sulphur. This garage sale is going to be ridiculious! Anyways, its always nice to get involved, so if you can help in anyway, it is welcomed!
Ok I'm about to go put my big boys on the potty again. Hopefully we'll be dancing and giving out prizes for them! :D
And remember, do it all with a SMILE or its not worth it!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
How to Start your morning with 2 year old twins
Goodmorning! Or should I say good afternoon? Well, what are you technically supposed to say when it is exactly noon? Cause its not "after"noon... Is it still afternoon when you talk to someone whos in a time zone where its still morning?
So have any of you had the joy of giving birth to twins? Me too! Let me tell you it is awesome to have twins, and everyone that says I don't know how you do it, well, I don't really have a choice, do I?! So I just do it with a Smile! They are actually a blast, and they OCCUPY each other! I don't know how people only have one baby at a time! Want to know whats going on with them right now while I type this? They are using my left shoulder as a slide and saying "WEEEE" as they go down! But they are taking turns! That's my boys! Always sharing, even if it is mommy's shoulder they are currently killing right now! Awe I just got a sweet kiss. Thanks Fisher! Oh wait, now my left arm is a drum, x's 2 if you count both hands on each child. I'm telling you, SUPER fun! Did I say they occupy themselves?
So, I am trying to potty train them now... How the H E double Hockey Sticks do you do that?!!! Well, I'm running out of different things to try, but I am considering a lot of duck tape and plenty of time. That should keep them down, right? There are some really pretty different types of duck tape now. I saw some pretty flamingo duck tape the other day...but may I'll get blue since I have boys... And shame on you, I'm not talking about taping them to the toilet! I'm thinking of a making a cute book or something for them to put their potty stickers in. Yes, I'm kindof an old lady crafter, but my crafts are way better than most old ladies. Did you know I have a facebook pagecommitted just to my old lady crafts? Go have a look. My whole left side of my body is going to be ruined by the time I'm done with this. Gunner just jabbed his finger in my left eye, on purpose. Thanks Gunner, I say with a smile as I'm wiping the water from my eyes and making sure my eyeball isn't leaking. Back to potty training. First thing in the morning, we go to the potty...
and we give mommy strange looks for taking so many pictures of us on the pot
After sitting here for what seems like eternity and having no luck what so ever, Fisher gets bored and decides he's going to start digging...
But my sweet Gunner who I know for a fact I would already have potty trained if it wasn't for his VERY distracting twin brother...
Is still working on trying to potty... Still no luck though. This sure is fun...
Why aren't there air conditioner vents in bathrooms? I never cared before until I had to spend so much time in them...
I know unicorns are fictional, but what if they were real? I'd so have a purple one, with glitter skin.
After no success in the potty, we decide our bellies are hungry. I'm going to share with you our first experience eating cereal WITH MILK on our own! Don't worry, we did great!
So have any of you had the joy of giving birth to twins? Me too! Let me tell you it is awesome to have twins, and everyone that says I don't know how you do it, well, I don't really have a choice, do I?! So I just do it with a Smile! They are actually a blast, and they OCCUPY each other! I don't know how people only have one baby at a time! Want to know whats going on with them right now while I type this? They are using my left shoulder as a slide and saying "WEEEE" as they go down! But they are taking turns! That's my boys! Always sharing, even if it is mommy's shoulder they are currently killing right now! Awe I just got a sweet kiss. Thanks Fisher! Oh wait, now my left arm is a drum, x's 2 if you count both hands on each child. I'm telling you, SUPER fun! Did I say they occupy themselves?
So, I am trying to potty train them now... How the H E double Hockey Sticks do you do that?!!! Well, I'm running out of different things to try, but I am considering a lot of duck tape and plenty of time. That should keep them down, right? There are some really pretty different types of duck tape now. I saw some pretty flamingo duck tape the other day...but may I'll get blue since I have boys... And shame on you, I'm not talking about taping them to the toilet! I'm thinking of a making a cute book or something for them to put their potty stickers in. Yes, I'm kindof an old lady crafter, but my crafts are way better than most old ladies. Did you know I have a facebook pagecommitted just to my old lady crafts? Go have a look. My whole left side of my body is going to be ruined by the time I'm done with this. Gunner just jabbed his finger in my left eye, on purpose. Thanks Gunner, I say with a smile as I'm wiping the water from my eyes and making sure my eyeball isn't leaking. Back to potty training. First thing in the morning, we go to the potty...
and we give mommy strange looks for taking so many pictures of us on the pot
But my sweet Gunner who I know for a fact I would already have potty trained if it wasn't for his VERY distracting twin brother...
Is still working on trying to potty... Still no luck though. This sure is fun...
Why aren't there air conditioner vents in bathrooms? I never cared before until I had to spend so much time in them...
I know unicorns are fictional, but what if they were real? I'd so have a purple one, with glitter skin.
After no success in the potty, we decide our bellies are hungry. I'm going to share with you our first experience eating cereal WITH MILK on our own! Don't worry, we did great!
See my ridiculously small table we all sit at? Did I mention my husband is 6'3"? Its pretty amusing seeing him sit there...
Fisher has to use 2 hands for some reason, but hey, whatever works sweet heart!
Gunner did great! Look at that huge bite! lol
So while they were eating, I thought about the diapers I just put on them. Did you know they have Mickey Mouse on Huggies diapers? I don't know if thats such a good thing, being my kids LOVE Mickey Mouse. Maybe they just want to keep wearing diapers because they love Mickey Mouse...hmmmmm... ;)
They wanted to show you I'm telling the truth, so here you go
See? Gunner has Mickey
and Fisher has Mickey and Pluto.
I'm going to have to look into this theory. HEY Maybe I can put duck tape over the characters so they won't know they're there! hmmm I might have something here...
Wow my whole left leg (see? my left side is going down because of these kids lol) just went to sleep! OUCH that is the worst feeling ever! So once it wakes back up I'm going to have to go put the little ones to sleep... which I'll tell you about that experience next time. Its tons of fun too... ;)
And I do it all with a smile
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